This is how we identify a Young Carer.
A Young Carer is a child or young person under the age of 18 from any ethnic or social background whose life is affected by caring for a member of their family. The person they care for may have a physical or mental illness, a long-term health condition, a terminal illness, or problems with alcohol or drug abuse.
Young carers can live in single parent families and be the main carer. Some will help the main parent to care; some help parents to care for another child and some have more than one person in the family who needs care.
Young carers often fall behind with their schooling. This isn’t because they lack ability, desire or ambition; it's more likely due to poor attendance because of their caring responsibilities. Or they don’t complete homework because they are tired. Or they can’t revise for exams because there are other calls on their time.
Young carers often have few friends. This isn’t because they’re not friendly or likeable; it’s because given the choice of going to the cinema with mates or looking after a sick parent, they realise they don’t have a choice.
And because they’re a bit different from other kids, Young Carers often fall victim to bullies.